As a British subject born and bred, with Afro-Caribbean parents, it sometimes made me wonder as to why the reality of my ethnic group did not seem to produce many whom had advanced the social mobility of a meritocratic west. As the president of the USA has achieved this, whilst not appearing to attain any sub super human qualities, one might deem such a statement to be lost before begun. On the contrary, the fact that he is has normal has any other of this ethnic group, supports this view even more. This essay will aim to tell you of the eugenics final solution which did not die with Hitler. The final solution is more technological, psychological, deadly and evil than many in our world realises. It attempts to make people whom ancestors derived from sub-Sarah ran Africa exist in a low subsistence of life, whilst those with the leadership and dominance are nurtured towards crime or crime promotion in the arts of music and culture. They are secret...
Truths & Rights