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Showing posts from March, 2014

Mother’s Day, from Cradle to Grave.

When William Beverage wrote his report, which created the NHS and other welfare reforms, the definition, ‘From the Cradle to the Grave,’ was defined.  This 1942, document which must surely be defined has the biggest policy revolution of the 20th century, after the disbandment of empire, was defined as a new Jerusalem.  Seventy two years later and the definition from cradle to grave has taken on a new approach of bondage and bugger.  It is used has an avenue for eugenics policy, in an attempt to take the maternal offspring, by maternal consent for matriarchal gratification of an amazing discord.  Can any mother be to blame, after traveling from a country farm of sunny climes of the tropics, to be gently confronted by the minister of conceit?  Mother knows baby, mother knows infant child, mother knows boy, mother knows growth.  During puberty mother knows breakfast cereal and teenage tantrum, but does mother truly know boy?  After one leav...