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Cupids’ Compensation vs. Quadruple Mandate 4 the Bugger

Cupids’ Compensation vs. Quadruple Mandate 4 the Bugger

This text asks the reader, “Should it be the law abiding victim of wanton criminal abuse who is the casualty from the servitude of the narcissistic despot, feel the guilt of the breakdown of the civilised order and an attack on the subjective sociological order of libertarian jurisprudence?”  If the answer is yes, then have we not entered the age of unfettered tyrannical, carnal endeavour and an abuse of all the lessons built on the foundation of pious ethos, from whence this culture came, from the dawning of classical antiquity?  Have our civilisation now entered the franchise of the “Age of Peeping Tom’s Digital Kicks?” 

Is compensation the greedy victim’s one up man ship on the world, which regardless of the abuse he endured, should be happy by the fact that he has the possession of bread and cheese in his fridge?  If there, was such a crime in seeking civilised justice, should there not be a law making the victim pay compensation to the perpetrator of evil woe?  What is the definition of this core terminology within this text, ‘compensation?’ My world-renowned English dictionary states the definition as, “compensate verb 1. Give someone something in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury.”  Not a very emotional or sensationalised statement, as it is a dictionary.  Should the victim of crime also adopt the stiff upper lip and wave the crime away as a normal factor of life’s inconveniences? 
Is this statute protocol of compensation the magical cure to the victim and the ultimate woeful circumstance of the criminal perpetrator?  It is the view of this text that it is to the contrary.  One must view such a classification of one winner and one loser as a primitive form of ethical reasoning.  Since King John in 1215 ratified the Great Charter, more commonly known in its linguistically Latin form as Magna Carter, there has been an evolution of law on this island.  Two of the most ground-breaking stemming from the ‘Glorious Revolution’ of 1688 and more recently the ‘1998 Human Rights Act.’  These laws were not brought about solely for the gratification of the subject.  Quite opposite, these laws came into being for the satisfaction of democracy, for the fulfilment of modernity and for the utopian civilised cultural virtue of the state.

After the Glorious Revolution of 1688, the power of the crown became the power of the citizen, otherwise known as ‘The Rule of Law.’  This new phenomenon, which exists to this day, created the national system whereby everyone was equal underneath the law.  This practice of jurisprudence became the envy of much of the world, outside of the British Empire, and has been the reason why much of the modern world’s legal codes are of the foundation of English Common Law.  During the Napoleonic wars from the storming of the Bastille in 1789 to Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo in 1815, both adversaries were attempting to spread their form of law.  Many of the states of Europe today enjoy Napoleonic law.  Is today’s Napoleonic law better than our law?  That is irrelevant and as I have only read business law at university, one has not the foresight to make such a controversial statement.  What is relevant is that our laws are here for us, and it is what for centuries has made this country appear civilised and take a leading role in the direction of the world, with it today being members of many of the leading global institutions, such as the UN, WTO and most importantly the G7. 

Also, without the civilised effects of law, society would fall into anarchy, tyranny and enter the dark ages once again, as a society that have succeeded in emulating the biblical lands of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Is it Britain’s former super power status and her then geo political advances in gunboat diplomacy and then the fist industrial revolution, its main cause?  This text says yes, but without an advanced state of civilised law such a grandiose past would be seen in the same way has it is seen by most of the developed world today.  Just history, the past, ancient power. 
The purpose of delving into the past is to simply define to you the importance of  the rule of law, and how without it then there would be an outmoded obsolete cultural decline which would take a steady downward course into the abyss, and become irrelevant and a symbol of intellectual and populist ridicule.  As this decline not already started when the media, perverted cameras, libellous propaganda, torture and other barbaric methods, one of them being pharmaceutical medication, are publically used on liberty, innocence, virtue and conservative values?  All such crimes of the lustful tolerance of sinful and sordid self-esteemed gratification, promote and advance sexualisation and perverted digital genocide hidden behind the dark cloak of racism, when it is really as a result of an attempt to bring one whom is viewed as inferior down to the level of the simple perverted despot.

Politicians may feel insecure, because of a member of society, whom they think is above them.  Because of their raging jealousy, they may be obsessed with him mentally, sexually and potentially.  They may attempt to use the unethical and criminal use of sexualisation to destroy him and weaken him to their level.  They may crack under pressure and no longer behave has gentlemen of civilised virtue and decorum, but common thugs and kinky jealous sociopaths.  The emotions that they feel towards the libertarian, democratic, law-abiding subject of virtue and tolerance is weak, but this text will not define the psychological reasoning behind it, even though it is easy for this text to do so.  What matters are not the pathetic emotions, or their twisted lustful desires, what matters are the rule of law!  When such lustful kinky forms of control and domination are used before the world, it is not seen as great power, but for what it is SICK & TWISTED!

In every country in the world there are some form of criminal activity, this is the negative aspect of sociology and psychology.  However, never before have sordid, twisted perverted animalistic crimes, being played out to the world with such vigour and conviction to their kinky ideology.  Though their main weapons are lies, propaganda and more lies, the fact that they influence and control the strings of this country and its institutions such as local government, the National Health Service, the police and so many civil servants, they allow people to take part in their crimes by attempting to internationalise it, so the self blame that many people feel, when it is not really their fault makes them psychologically elusive to such evil crimes.  They then highlight what I do in the supposedly privacy of my home, even if no laws are broken, so that people don’t look at their crimes but at my yearning for liberty, democracy, the rule of law and normal functions of humanity, which they have perverted.
I can not take this case to a court of law because the last time I attempted to do this, I entered the ward of a mental asylum as a result of their evil.  I was in the mental asylum for many years and if I approached one and they found out the truth that I am sectioned under the Mental Health Act, I could be viewed a sick and be returned to that environment of evil.  Can an eleven year tortured mind truly be analysed successfully.  Regardless of whether the victim of the crimes are seen as strong or weak, good or bad, happy or sad, black or white, rich or poor, short or tall, or sad or funny, illiterate or intelligent, everyone is equal before the law and it is only for the legal professions to make the decision as to the suitability of due process.  The compensation directed to such victims of evil crimes, which I have endured for the course of eleven years, are compensated at approximately twenty nine million pounds.  Even though it is a lot of money, the loss of dignity, the crimes of torture and the fundamental civil liberties, which have violated me, does not make the compensation gratifying but instead justice. 

People with power must not think that they can use people within society, use technology within society and even use propaganda within their brains to promote psychological violent torture, physical torture, for the war of undignified servitude or sexual violence and perversion.  It is therefore not a question of a victim’s financial happiness because of the compensation, but the high regard of the rule of law and the protection of our way of life.  Everyone has a different opinion about some entity; everyone has emotional reactions to some form of psychological stimuli.  This has been known for centuries, much earlier than classical antiquity.  By civilised society functioning on the foundations of law, there is no need for the emotional impact of psychology, has conducive to the determinant of if a crime has been committed.  The laws define what are crimes, and no human in our society are legally able to break them. I have entered some video clips below, explaining to you my country's laws.

Therefore not only are the victims of crimes paid the compensation, but so too are the culture, society’s prestige is restored, the young are confident as to what constitutes right and wrong, the country receives the compensation of her restored reputation and the institutions reputations are restored.  The perpetrator of the crime is allowed to reform and walk with his head high.  Yes, he committed many crimes, but he paid his victim compensation and can sleep more soundly, in the fact that he can be now defined as a man of reason and decorum.  Until such justice has been met out to society, there is within the hemisphere a system of denial by some, pain by some, gratification by some and narcissism by the perpetrators.  The big picture is not vanity but society and the world.  We must not let the big picture be distorted by myopia, the vision of liberty, the picture of justice, the representation of the rule of law and the beautiful image of utopian virtue.  So let not our Jerusalem be plagued and purged, with the sexualised sordid gratification, by the barmy beastly buggers of bohemia!

Article I  (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Let the noose of freedom choke, and turn red the neck of tyranny on which the mind of evil rests and who is pleasured by the suffering of virtue and peace!



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