On this day of our Lord, 14th August 2013, Britain’s once proud reputation as an island of jurisprudence and a subjective cloak of morality, has been seriously challenged by a Toffs’ Rebellion . This challenge to our rights, have made me question the paradigm of our democratic status-quo. This new polity defined as a Magna Britannicus Fascismo, as created an Orwellian ubiquity of intrusion and terror. Big Brother does not effect everyone directly, though the indirect effects has built up an unstoppable presence to the periphery and has now begun an unfettered attack on the children, without clemency or civilised protocols. This offensive as been an attack on their innocence, virtue, culture and values. This essay will attempt to understand the headman of the Toffs’ Rebellion and ask the question, “Is this a war against the Age of Enlightenment’s values and principles?” If it is, then will absolutism return to a digital age with the ...
Truths & Rights