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“Justices and judges of courts at all levels continue to find cross examination not only a necessary, but also a sufficient method of confronting a variety of trial evidence and burdens.” 
“According to McCormick, as early as 1668 a court rejected an out-of-court statement because “the other party could not cross-examine the party sworn.  

“Professor Langbein tracked this as the transition from “[t]he oath based system [that] presupposed the witness’s fear that God would damn a perjurer. . . .”   was quoted by Jules Epstein, Associate Professor of Law at Widener University School of Law.

To the average citizen of the Western World in 2013, such a statement is too obvious to even allow the brain cell to process methodically.  Those who are of a reasonable age will remember the echoes of nostalgic crisis and the call for patriotic vigilance in the defence of democratic values, libertarian ethos and lawful decency, during the Cold War. 

When the Iron Curtain’s physical representation had its first penetrable crack, light shone through the darkness which represented the period after the conclusion of Hitler’s war, when N.A.T.O. was created for the defence of democratic freedom, from those whom sat around the table to create the adversary Warsaw Pact.  Churchill and Kennedy made passionate speeches about the defence of freedom.  

Ronald Reagan spoke of an ‘Evil Empire,’ and Margaret Thatcher was branded ‘The Cold War Warrior.’

That struggle represented the struggle between two conflicting ideologies of the world.  One was democratic control and capitalism, the other was state control and communism.  Whilst growing I was not conscious about such a conflicting paradigm as I was more focussed on issues such as Salt & Pepper’s deejay Spinderella’s smile, Liverpool Football Clubs progress, in the league table, and telling untruths at school about sexual conquests on a Caribbean holiday. 

Once becoming a man of intellectual reality and acumen, I delved into the past and became one who would repel such an attack on the god given rights of freedom and the self-determination, which one whom felt that one’s own grandiose power kicks, gave personal autonomy over, the natural and democratic rights of the world. 
This Britain of 2013, is no longer governed by the ideologues of pluralism, self-determinants and community spirit.  

It is administered by the green eyed vagabonds, of rebellion, malice and Vaseline bugger.  The post war echoes of William Beverage’s report of cradle to grave fare play, as become replaced with cradle to gay, sex crimes.  The lewd use of taxes for propaganda has become used by our British representatives to falsify a youthful oral sexual act from male to male.  The quote by Jules Epstein, of the right for a person to answer the accusation has become has outmoded has the typewriter. 

Up and down the land the Chinese whispers of speculative past sexual abnormal exploits are passed from human to human; with the incriminated left in the dark as to what malicious slander has been purported on his decent sexual reputation.  The Toffs’ Rebels brainwash them to find the accused with guilty until proven innocent, medieval witch hunts and cutting edge technological advancements which, delve into graphical representations of the cognitive hemisphere of the brain, with persuasive arguments as to how that validates guilt and closet denial.  

The victim of slander is ignorant of such cruel and crude libel breaches, as nobody tells him what rumours are being slandered.  They just say things like, “We know, It’s Up, we saw, you was and you did.  There is a saying that a picture tells a thousand words.  This has been very useful for tabloid and broadsheet newspapers sales over the past century.   In court cases photographs of crime are waved about the court at the jury and the defendant as he his asked in bellowing voice, “This is the truth, this shows your guilt, this is your troth!” 

It is most relevant, for one to realise that when a picture tell a thousand words, it is not the entire thousand words assigned to the picture.  The brain sometimes function and processes graphically when torture has become a fundamental of his reality.  So when one looks merely at the pictures without questioning the accused as to why such sometimes abnormally graphic representations would ever be processed by the mind of man, the sometimes innocent victim of deformation mills idly by without knowing what grotesque are being propagated on the planet earth. 

The Vaseline Buggered Toffs’ Rebels, thus makes psychotic evil sex trafficking of British subjects to foreign lands for evil, in elusive sex dungeons and concentration camp hospitals for medication induced libido contradiction, which they define as a joke and game.
The reason why such picturesque representations are not always conclusive and is almost certain to lead to miscarriages of justice will be laid bare. Whilst I’ll use a hypothetical argument has it is still not obvious as to whom is able to view such misleading misrepresentations and thus not wish to mislead with subjectivity with incriminating psychological abnormalities falsities and misrepresentations. 

I shall lead my defence from democracy to the psyche.  I am very sure that once explained you will see that we have entered a new dark ages, where decent values, British sovereignty and rights are begging for light under the iron clad Vaseline yolk.  It is the hope that you will repel the rebellious Toff and also hold the view that no matter what current technological advancements appear, you can never ever beat a good common sense question to the accused and you can never ever beat the good British ideals of free love versus Bishop Bondage or Christian arranged marriage or evil myopia dark vision. 

If it was true that an ordinary male subject of the crown gave sexual favours to a man:
1. Would politicians care?
2. Would they tell anyone about it?
3. Would they break the law before the world for it?
4. Would they commit sex crime for it?
5. Would they risk Britain’s reputation for it, by attempting to involve them in sex crime?
6. Would they have involved the Secretary of State?
7. Would they have invented a crude elusive and illegal game over it?
8. Would they have told me the rules of this game?
9. Would they have allowed you to have seen the technology?

The pictures can be misleading because they are created by torture, anxiety, solace and prior knowledge of the technology and its purpose.  If the torture has been created by an eleven year campaign of terror where the subject has been constantly bombarded with a barrage of conquests from his own sex, this will not create the psychological pictures. 

If that abuse was added to him not having a woman for that time because of the criminal toffs, that would not make him, see the pictures either.

If you watched him in his bedroom for eleven years, when he was naked, washing, sleeping eating and using the toilet, though disgusting and crude, would not create the imagery.

If the victim was aware of the intrusion on his psych, if he was living the life of a reclusive, he would become sometimes self-conscience. 
When someone is by them-self and become self-conscious he sometimes has anxiety.  When one is aware that an external entity is using intrusive technology in this way, this causes the brain to process information in an anxious way, and sometimes can creatively use their imagination to picture what the toffs want to see.  When the toffs see this, they might use this as a propaganda tool.  This makes the media and the society think more in the way that the toffs think. 

The victim then sees more and more pictures and thus the people watching it thinks that the pictures are his past, when it is creative imaginaries of woeful disgust.  The foreign political whore, might force the impotent Toff that he must criminally push propaganda on the lawful British citizen, so that they win the 2016 US Election without being tarnished with sex crime.  An array of plots of terror, might force old friends and family members to tarnish his character, with even more lies and propaganda.  

The audience of the victim, might not know the relationship between the victim and if they were paid money.  The victim will be fighting from going to the illegal sex dungeon in foreign lands from a paedophile prime minister who value whore before British democracy.  The toffs who gets the 3% of black sell-outs, to further their gay sex revolution, might propagate that it is a cosmopolitan big society endeavour of special relationship.  This might thus make the whore view British democracy and rights as similar to red light Babylon. 

I say ask questions?  
I say question sex crime.


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