Dear International Secretariat I am a law abiding upright member of society of the United Kingdom, who have endured eleven years of Human Rights Abuses, because politicians of government and opposition became jealous of my mind. They have tackled this jealousy by destroying my life and removing the laws necessary for human advancement. They have also breached libel laws of both defamation and slander, by spreading false malicious rumours that I am homosexual. They say that if I do not become gay then they will murder me, so I am expecting my death because I will not be sexualised in such an evil way. They say that the other option would be to be a man of the cloth, which I also refuse. Though I respect Christian leaders, I have no aspiration of such a career, as it is just not me and under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which governs the world, and the European Convention of Human Rights, which governs our laws in the United Kingdom, I have th...
Truths & Rights