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My Electronic Letter to Amnesty International

Dear International Secretariat

I am a law abiding upright member of society of the United Kingdom, who have endured eleven years of Human Rights Abuses, because politicians of government and opposition became jealous of my mind.  They have tackled this jealousy by destroying my life and removing the laws necessary for human advancement.  They have also breached libel laws of both defamation and slander, by spreading false malicious rumours that I am homosexual.  They say that if I do not become gay then they will murder me, so I am expecting my death because I will not be sexualised in such an evil way.  They say that the other option would be to be a man of the cloth, which I also refuse.  Though I respect Christian leaders, I have no aspiration of such a career, as it is just not me and under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which governs the world, and the European Convention of Human Rights, which governs our laws in the United Kingdom, I have the right to self-determination. 

The fact that I am Afro-Caribbean-British is the foundation of their personal insecurities and melodramatic panic of me having a better mind than they do.  I did not notice this and was a patriotic member of society who felt that pluralism was the order of the day.  As I am the victim of their tyrannical hate crimes, I now know that I am more advanced than them because of the full extent of their abuses, when I am a good person.  They have now sought the help of the US Secretary of State, who also feels insecure and demands, and falsifies malicious rumours, that I am homosexual.  She threatens that if I do not accept their vision, of who they want me to be sexually, then they will kidnap me and take me to the United States, where men in an elusive house in a quiet elusive state will rape me.  Oh yes, they also threaten to blind me, so they are able to compete with their perception of an advanced mind. 

They employ the uses of the media, to have the celebrities within popular culture, brainwash people into thinking that their crimes are okay because they have good jobs.  Many celebrities spend their time, that I use watching television, competing with me and trying to be better than me.  They make  the core agenda of my plight sometimes forgotten, as they do not say anything about the law but instead usually refer to the social and psychological characteristics I now live by because of the torture.  They also have them advance their gay agenda, by making it out that because, I am black then they are able to say that I am gay, even though I have never had a conversation with them. 

Many people trust celebrities, so are willing to be brain washed by their political agenda, when channelled through the stars.  They also use camera tricks and advanced computers.  As I am sectioned because of their crimes against humanity, I am not able to work and because of their terrorist behaviour, life is more unstable as they can set up violent criminal abuse when I walk down the street.  As I am brave and thus very rarely restrict my movement, I am less able to plan for an uncertain future, when the enemies of democracy are declaring an abusive unfettered war on my upright lawful life.  When I express myself on my computer, they get even more upset about the ‘Freedom of Expression laws,’ which we all enjoy.

They substitute our defined laws with an elusive and illegal game, which I have not agreed to play and which none of our laws make compulsory.  There dangerous criminal games, have no clearly defined rules of protocol and condone the rest of their criminal activities.  It says that I have to win their game, without rules, to have the laws that everyone was born with.  The fact that they commit their crimes before the world whilst making great speeches about the beauty of Human Rights, says that they have cracked and lost all respect for the rules, which have defined the lands for hundreds of years.  Now their sociopath behaviour has risen to the surface and, as I am a law abiding citizen, they know not how to quell their obsession, but with evil tidings of woeful enterprise.

You and I know that everyone is equal under the laws.  The television is interactive and there are illegal hidden cameras in my home.  For the last eleven years, they have stopped me from making heterosexual relationships by approaching the post victim of my seduction. Because of their abuses, which have stopped me having natural relationships, I have had to masturbate.  They look at me through their illegal cameras and try to make it out as though I am an exhibitionist and being gay, when I am viewing the female form and have no choice.  This issue is not about personal sexual problems, which I do not normally have problems with, it is about the rule of law and abuse.

I appreciate respectable, virtuous feminine women, though would seek the service of a prostitute whilst using a condom, to prove and experience sexual normality, but because I have not had sex for so long and have only masturbated, my organ probably would not work at first.  I had this problem after I was released from prison when I was young, when I was an outlaw, which I am the total opposite now because of education.  I could not get hard with my first girlfriend because I had spent years in prison being psychologically and physically stimulated by filthy magazines.  My sexual health returned with my second girlfriend.  Therefore, even though I lust for women, I do not think that if I paid for it, then it would be an economically prudent financial investment.  I hate women who use their bodies in a sexually stimulated way for money. 

Even though I would need a girlfriend to return to optimum sexual health, the role of government and politicians is not in any way to use the taxpayers’ money for their furtherance of sexual ideology.  Any sexual ideology they hold dear to their hearts, they should perform themselves if it is legal for themselves to do so.  The only policy they should ever partake is a war against child pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, sexually health information, for the tackling of ignorance and, last but not final, an attempt to limit rape not promote it. 

Because I will not live by their sexual desires and am lawfully assertive, they are making threats of making me live outside on the streets as a tramp.  Even though I would rather live in an environment of sewage than be gay, it is not for government to discriminate against people who are appreciating their legally indoctrinated rights.   As I am a man who does not conform to racial stereotypes, they use my free spirited individuality for the purpose of their propaganda.  I am threatened with mental asylums, prison, orchestrated HIV, family murders, rape, blindness and kidnap.  They promote through the media, the gladiatorial activities of ancient Rome, where I would have to partake in violent behaviour with someone else, which they will orchestrate, to prove that I am a man.

They have had me sent to prison and a mental asylum; when I am and was perfectly fine, to promote more terror in my life.  I am treated with fewer rights than al-Qaida terrorists and other international terrorists.  I studied at Coventry University School of Business, for industry and enterprise, and have nothing to do with politics. They get upset when I assertively declare the human Rights Laws that are there to protect us all, because they think that they are too important to observe these rules.  They see my assertiveness as a form of treason when they are not kings, but elected, supposedly democratic, representatives of the people in parliament.  They do not call it its true name, tyranny or despotism, but war.  They have the psychiatrists and social workers who visit me working for them.

I am not at war with any British Politician or the US Secretary of State, and cannot approach any one for justice because it will sound that I am mad and they would thus return me to an asylum.  I am not building a nuclear weapon, or any form of weapon of mass destruction, and thus feel that their perversion of justice is over extreme.  I deserve compensation for more than a decade of Human Rights Violations from Gordon Brown (The one who invented the crime), Ed Miliband, who should be holding the government to account, Nick Clegg, the partner of the coalition, and the Prime Minister David Cameron, who has gone along with the crowd and not lead the country and its citizens in the correct ways.  The US Secretary of State also behaves in a haughty way.  Please help!  They always talk of the negativity of Human Rights Abuse very eloquently, but think that so long as they use big words, they do not have to abide by them.  They have chosen opinion over law, speculation over justice and kinky science over nature.  Let the noose of freedom choke, and turn red the neck of tyranny on which the mind of evil rests and is pleasured by the suffering of virtue and peace!
Article I

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.


The Youngers Comedy Cast website


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