As Britain’s politicians have ganged up on me with the USA Secretary of State, and imposed an elusive game, which is not legally constitutional and is based on sordid sexual desires and kinky fantasies, which I will never conform to, what they do have are an array of plots. One of them is to send me to a psychiatric mental asylum or a prison, for daring to assert the rule of law that I am entitled to. It is said that once there, the British politicians would follow the criminal mind of Hillary Clinton (Bloody Hillary). She is annoyed by the fact that I have used her gang’s criminal game, to make them look as pathetic as they are. She views me the way that a southerner of the USA would have, before 1865, which is why she is so passionate also.
Politicians of the UK respect foreign despots, more that the British electorate and are willing to passively accommodate their wishes, on the law abiding subject of the crown. When a person is not mentally deficient in anyway, a mental asylum is one of the most torturous nightmares that is possible. This is especially true when they are asserting sexual perversions. With the eleven years of criminal abuses that I have experienced because of the fact that I will not be sexually stimulated by parliament, I know what evil is and I know what type of psychotic torturous violence that they will force, with drugs and restraint, which would be more appropriate in the Auschwitz concentration camps, of Hitler’s final solution.
As intelligent people understand the criminal abuses and wanton evil, they empower and brainwash people who are too dumb to focus on the issues of law and democracy. These people who, they make feel as though they are super smart, help to advance their propaganda, has they are elevated. Also the media and celebrities think that they are able to read minds. They use their weapons of celebrities, people of colour, people of advanced knowledge and people of power, and last but not least opinions and not laws. Our written laws define what can and cannot be done by everyone and the rule of law makes us all equal under it.
I have been told by many people, especially American actors and actresses, that I will be elevated to a more prestigious reality of demography. After living like that for a while, in a way that they deem appropriate, they will use a hit man, to carry out a terrorist murder on myself, as though I was a criminal or a foreign dictator. These are the British policies of divide & rule and rise & fall. This is not only unconstitutional, inhumane, perverted and wanton evil of Orwellian analogy, but it is also intensely psychotic. I will choose my woman and not be troubled by the evil terrorists who plot. As a subject of the crown, I will conduct myself within the laws and ethos of libertarian laissez-faire, within the laws of nature and within the rule of law.
We the people of the United Kingdom are all equal under law, and the ministers of our parliamentary democracy will serve the people and not foreign dictators. As I am lawfully equal to the prime minister, he and his merry gang will not dictate my sexual conduct, when acted out in an endeavour of legal behaviour, natural biology, and natural psychology. In the history of this once important country, never has the ministerial code adhered to the perverted molestation of a sordid democracy. Such acts of wanton abuse, which both King George VI and Winston Churchill led the country, in the defence of, cannot be allowed to fester and contaminate the children and our once puritanical underbelly. Impressionable people who are the men and women of tomorrow, should not be directed on such a perverted course, the cause of which millions bled for and festered for in the 40s.
It is an ideal of a mediocre utopia, for the politicians and those charged as the defenders of the realm to conduct themselves as gentleman of integrity, who follow and adhere to the doctrine of the ministerial code, when advancing their mandate intrinsically aligned with, not foreign despots, but their political charter with both the salient and graphic attributed virtues of liberty, democracy and the rule of law. Emotional opinions and fantasies are not what the good taxpayers are funding; the course of freedom must be the integral foundation with the focus on the world view. There is a need for today’s politicians to discard their emotions, discard their perverted fantasies, straighten up and adopt the, once prestigious and very British, stiff upper lip!
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