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Tone of Money v. Shade of Hair

Having previously studied business at Coventry University, School of Business, I am quite passionate about the discipline.  As I am not lawfully permitted to earn a wage or salary, because the government of the UK, think that was I an economic entity I would transform Britain into a bohemian epoch of woeful catastrophe, I have much time to think.  An idle mind does nobody any good, though the glass is sometimes half full enough, to allow philosophical and scientific thought.  I am at present thinking about the black economy, not the one which supplied synthetic tights to blitzkrieg London’s women, during Hitler’s war, but the stereotypical black ethnic economy.  Some of this money making engine is very negative.

When in a community which is not financially assertive and opulent, it is better to bring money into the community from outside.  This allows the community to diversify in products and services, and position one’s self in an advantageous position for competitive and niche advantage.  When a community, such as my own ethnic group, targets their own ethnic demography there are such limitations to what one is able to do.  Within society, people are grouped demographically by many factors including the amount of money that they earn, and also their personal disposable income.  This is called socio-economical grouping, which allows one to ascertain with this financial data a product or service that can be developed and targeted towards them.

Sports clothing manufacturers, will know how much money different teenagers make, who come from the homes of these socio-economic groups, with what music they might listen to, what they do with the sports clothing i.e. wear it casually, to parties or maybe for sports.  They may then pay a famous musician to wear the clothing, or a famous golf player, a famous tennis star or even maybe a child or adult actor.  There are many ways to collect this information from expensive market reports, which can be free with a little knowledge, surveys, questionnaires, government agencies, or trial and error, which I do not personally condone. 

The limitations when targeting one’s own ethnic group, I.e. black barber shops, ethnic fashion, or products which are not accessible for other ethnic groups are this.  Restaurants are good because every human being likes to eat tasty food.  Music is also good because everyone can listen to music, if they like it so long as everyone does not attempt to be a musician, as the market will become saturated and not a good aspirational endeavour.  The problem with products and services, which are only marketed towards one’s own ethnicity, is that unless there are little supply and enormous demand it is difficult to make an adequate profit. 

If there are mass unemployment because of racism, a lack of skills and knowledge, a national economic downturn or other reasons, there is less money to get from one’s own ethnic group.  Also the little money that is there, you are taking which means that the money is not coming into the community, it is staying in the community.  If there is good employment, you have less haircuts to perform in the day, as most people are at work.  As in this cultural group, hair is very important, money will be made as long as there are not many other barber shops and there is good customer service.  When life is normal, I use a black barber shop every two weeks, it is a very competitive market to be involved in sometimes, though some are essential for civilised appearance.

When the products are based on ethnicity such as a black man on a cup, then the dominant market penetration for the product would be black men or women, who likes to sensationalise his own racial identity in a visual way.  I personally would not buy one, but that is just how I am, a man who is subtle, but if people purchased them then that is fine.  In a capitalist society, people can buy what they want as everyone is different.  If there are many black people in the market place and one has an idea as to how many units could be sold, so that one can plan for the year then why not.  If there are many people selling the same products then it becomes more difficult. 

If one is selling a cup which says ‘black power,’ the consumer though innocently expressing free market consumerism, will not be too demographically diverse.  Hey, if there are many people to target with the product, then why not?  If you don’t manufacture it, then a white person might calculate how many people would purchase the product, the personal disposable income they have and target them with the black power mug.  Why not?  Business has nothing to do with race.  The difference with the barber shop, is it takes time for hair to grow.  The difference with the merchandise, people purchase when visiting tropical environments and are confronted by friendly locals, selling their arts and crafts products, is that this is part of the romance of the holiday experience. 

I have mentioned the ethnic barber shop and cup as an example, I could name so much more like hair and beauty products.  The purpose for why I said that is that business is not emotional, it is only business.  When creating products for one’s own ethnicity, unless there are not many businesses operating in the field it is better to abandon the ethnic consumer and not be emotional about it.  So instead of creating something for one’s own community, one can manufacture one million mugs with an unemotional logo and sell them for £5.00 each, pay the overheads, salaries, and still have three and a half million pounds to play with.  If one feels like they are selling out, then one can use £20.00 out of the three and a half million pounds and buy four ethnic mugs.  This was only an example, a person can give back to their community in any way they feel comfortable.

If one million blue pillow cases are manufactured and sold for £3.50 each, and it took £0.50 for the material then that is three million pounds profit.  It was unemotional and whilst the business was functioning, you employed people giving money to the community and sold it to other communities, which made your community richer.  These are examples, I am just saying that the main purpose of doing business is to make a profit.  Yes you treat the customer like a king or queen, so they come back and do more business, you make their experience as great as you can afford but at the end of the day it is profit, not emotion or hype.  Yes hype up the customer and make him or her feel like they are in a dream, so they tell their friends and come back psychologically wanting to relive the experience.  Yes hype up the product or service in radio, television, Internet, newspaper or any other advertising, but do not be hyped by being emotional about the product by thinking on racial terms, unless there is a healthy market there.

The business which are good now are ecommerce and on-line businesses.  Not merely selling things but offering services.  If I hadn’t any idea of how to run a business I would go on the Internet and google it.  I would ask how to set up a business in the country I lived in.  If I did not know what product or service to supply, I would google on the Internet and find out what people wanted and how many people were trading in a healthy market. market reports have this information, which are accessible from many libraries.  I would find out if I could sell to other countries, if they were export partners, the strength of foreign currency and many things, which the advice on how to start a business would tell me.  If I needed to do a short course I would.  If I did not have the skills to set up an ecommerce business, I would either teach myself on the Internet, go to a college, go to a university or do something I would enjoy more. 

If I was not confident with my skills, I would go to a local university and stand out side and speak to business students, who usually have financial difficulty whilst studying, until I found a dynamic one who had vision and would be willing to help me, on a part time basis.  Life is sometimes all about positive mental attitude, people are sometimes there own worst obstacles because of their attitude to life. The restaurant business is good because everyone likes tasty food, so as a majority of the restaurants of my ethnicity are very polite, jovially humorous and give all consumers, good customer service regardless of race, there is not much I can write here.  When I was eighteen I washed dishes at a Jamaican restaurant in Balham South London, and I remember the friendly and polite banter.  A majority of the businesses of my ethnicity are that way, it is just with some of them being ethnically focused, nobody knows this outside of the culture. 

When I was in the African American district of Down Town Orlando, in Florida USA, there was poverty so great and disgusting, where people bathed in the toilet cubicle of the gas station which reeked of B.O.  There were though many barber shops and music shops, which did not bring money into the community, but took the little money which was there.  That country is the economic capital of the world, with our ethnic and cultural group there, does good business.  It is just the fact that the winners have a much greater ratio intensity to the losers, as a result of political and sociological unresolved issues.  Money lenders, payday loans and gambling businesses are ones I deplore personally, though I respect business choice and freedom under law.  How I hate those businesses, even though I worked for a payday loan company selling them to American households from North London.  I was not emotional about it.

Life is more important and beautiful than money, virtue, integrity and moral conduct is more important than money, a good value system is more important than money, friends and intimate relationships are more important than money, family are more important than money, community is more important than money.  Without legal trade all of what I mentioned loses strength and stability.  A family unit is stronger with an income appropriate to need, a community is more cohesively united when there is good businesses which employs people.

When this text says that business goal is, unless a charitable or philanthropist institution, to make money, I do not make money more important than values and ethics.  What I am saying is that it is good to keep a stiff upper lip (be unemotional) so that targets can be met.  When leading, it is good to have a utopia vision to lead the business and employees towards.  When emotions become a factor, then it is difficult to lead as the big picture is swayed by peripheral stimuli.  This can ruin the business as it could cause behaviour based on self-esteem and not sound judgement and protocol led advancement. 

It is also good to do business to enable routine, keep one’s self busy and advance the ethics of thrift, vigour and community spirit.  There is also the good of employing people and feeling the more integral self-esteem of having a purpose in society.  This is not the world I chose, this is not the world you chose, this is the world that evolved from the industrial age which the end of the cold war made an infinite reality of homo-sapiens' survival.  Would the ideals of Karl Marx and his companion Friedrich Engle's, which led to the creation of Bolshevism years after his death, been more adequate and ideologically egalitarian, I know not. 

When both the communist manifesto and Das Kapital were written, they were both revolutionary phenomena which thus cannot be called communism, but philosophy.  Were they not advanced on man, when the industrial age was transforming the sociological, psychological and political modes of conceptual analysis, then maybe they would not have been viewed has anti-Christ and social vagabonds.  Had they purported their philosophy during the agricultural age, then their empathy with the proletariat and discord with the bourgeoisie would not have signalled the political birth of class war. 

When Lenin and decades later Mao, professed communism has their pièce de résistance of political ideology, they had evolved Karl Marx philosophy.  Blood were spilled in both Vietnam and Korea, two hot wars during the mainly cold war, for free market capitalism and the spirit of democracy.  The iron lady pursued the cause of both free market capitalism and the enhanced choice of self-determination.  Why are there now tin men, of the same parliamentary democratic constitution now promoting communism and kinky games that would have made the red army turn blue?  Whilst such kinky freaks are obsessed with perverting free and good democracy, whilst they scream hate and division, whilst they obsess about tiny issues and are enraged when you think of the big issues, it is always good to be unemotional, keep a steady course and think of business.


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